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Ohana's YouTube Services

About My Services

Hello, I'm offering my YouTube Advertisement services for those who wish to take advantage of it! 

I've been making videos for nearly a year and my channel is currently growing fast, as I've just partnered with Zenyte and am now doing videos for their Zenyte Official YouTube Channel. 

Link to my YouTube Channel:

Some of my videos:



Servers I've worked with:


Zenyte (current partner)

I offer services such as:

  • Server &/ Home Tour:
    The most usual request I get is generally showing off the server's most unique aspects, this is done best by simply doing a server tour where I introduce the players to the server.
  • Series:
    I haven't done as many series as I'd want to, reasons behind this is usually due to how long they take to film. Though if you'd like me to continuously make videos on your server, having some sort of series would be the best way to do so!

Pricing and Contact (currently offering bundles):
1 Video - $40
3+ Videos - $30 each
5+ Videos - $25 each 

Discord: Ohana#1809

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