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LTB: Custom RSPS

About My Services



I'm making the first transitional step into owning & managing my first RSPS. I know that custom servers are the way forward, and I'm looking to invest into this in the next week or so. 

I'll be bringing my own team with me. I'll be hiring freelance dev's, which eventually will join me as lead developer along with chosen partners. I won't mention how much I'm willing to invest, however if you have a source that you believe will fit my requirements then I'll consider. 


Comment here with interest, don't be stupid and believe me being a new owner means I'm stupid, because I'm not. So I'll know if your source is leaked, full of viruses, dirty or isn't genuine. Only serious sellers are welcome here, and if I decide not to buy your source, please respect my decision and don't try to haggle. Price is price, if I see something I like, I'll make an offer.

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