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Tzhaar Fight Cave for Beginners




To get the Fire Cape, the second-best melee cape in Old School RuneScape, you must complete the TzHaar Fight Cave. In this article, we’ll be going through all the suggested skill levels and equipment, waves of monsters, positioning, and the formidable Tztok-Jad, the final boss of the Fight Caves.

The Tzhaar Fight Cave is a combat minigame wherein you need to complete 63 waves of Tzhaar creatures to be able to succeed. Upon completion, you’ll be rewarded with the OSRS Fire Cape, a symbol of accomplishment in OSRS. The cape provides not only defensive bonuses, but also offensive ones, a +4 to Strength, and a +2 to Prayer.

For beginners, completing the Fight Cave can take around an hour. Fortunately, it’s a safe minigame, which means you won’t lose any items if you fail. If you’re up for a challenge, the Fight Cave will test your basic combat abilities.


The Tzhaar Fight Cave is located beneath Karamja. So, all you need to do is go through the Karamja dungeon entrance by going down the rope near the volcano. From there, enter the crevice to arrive in Mor Ul Rek.

For quicker access, you can use the TzHaar Fight Pit minigame teleport or the fairy ring code "blp".

Recommended Stats, Equipment, and Inventory

Ranged is the recommended combat style due to its effectiveness against enemies that utilize melee attacks. You might find some of the recommended equipment in this list to be pricey — we recommend you to buy OSRS gold on our website.


Recommended Stats:

•    75 Ranged: To wield the Toxic Blowpipe
•    44 Prayer: For Eagle Eye and protection prayers
•    70 Defense: For survivability and resource conservation

Recommended Equipment:

•    Toxic blowpipe with amethyst darts (or Magic shortbow (i))
•    Full void (or Archer helm, Blessed body, and Blessed chaps)
•    Amulet of fury (or Amulet of glory)
•    Ava’s accumulator
•    Blessed boots

Recommended Inventory:

•    3 Divine bastion potion (4) or Divine ranging potion (4): Ranged/Defense boost
•    11 Saradomin Brew (4): For healing
•    13 Super restore (4): For prayer points restoration, and to counteract Saradomin Brew debuff.
•    Holy Wrench: More prayer point restoration per sip of Super restore

This inventory setup is tailored towards beginners aiming to complete the Fight Cave.

TzHaar Fight Cave Enemies and Waves

Enemy Information



Attack Type





Drains your prayer when it attacks.




Reflects 1 HP of damage when hit with melee.




Two spawn after defeating the Level 45 variant



Ranged and Melee





Heals nearby enemies with less than 50% health.



Magic and Melee




Magic, Ranged, and Melee

Final boss of the Fight Cave




Four spawn when TzTok-Jad falls below 50% health, healing it.


Wave Information

●    Wave 1 to 6:  Tz-Kih and Tz-Kek
●    Wave 7 to 14: Tok-Xil, Tz-Kih, Tz-Kek (begin using Protect from Missiles)
●    Wave 15 to 30: Yt-MejKot, Tok-Xil, Tz-Kih, Tz-Kek, Tz-Kih (prioritize killing Tz-Kih)
●    Wave 31 to 37: Ket-Zek, Tz-Kek, Tz-Kih (begin using Protect from Magic)
●    Wave 37 to 61: Ket-Zek, Yt-MejKot, Tok-Xil, Tz-Kih, Tz-Kek, Tz-Kih (continue using Protect from Magic; prioritize Tz-Kih and Tok-Xil)
●    Wave 62: x2 Ket-Zek (note the spawn location of the orange Ket-Zek, as TzTok Jad will spawn there)
●    Wave 63: TzTok-Jad, Yt-HurKot

Wave Strategy

The Fight Cave has plenty of spots to safely stack enemies, so you’ll be fighting them one-by-one instead of being overwhelmed by the waves. The simplest location that you can reliably go to is the ridge by the northeast of the map, popularly called the Italy rock by the community. In this spot, you can stick to the wall while waiting for the enemies to approach you, and you can stack them up so that they’ll line up to attack you. Larger enemies such as the Yt-MejKot will get stuck behind the wall, making the other monsters line up behind it, making you safe from melee hits.

This strategy conserves your resources, as you won’t be taking too much damage compared to fighting in the open. When using Saradomin Brews, drink two to three doses before sipping one dose of Super Restore to counteract the debuff.

TzTok-Jad Fight Walkthrough

After surviving 62 waves of the Fight Cave, you’ll face TzTok-Jad, who spawns where the orange Ket-Zek appeared. Make sure to take note of this location, as TzTok-Jad can kill you in one hit if you fail to use the correct protection prayer.

TzTok-Jad has two attacks (three if you count its melee attack) — a stomping ranged attack, and a magic fireball attack. The animation of the ranged attack is Jad stomping his forelegs onto the ground. For his fireball, Jad stands up on his hindlegs to launch this magic attack towards you. Use the appropriate protection prayer here, as these attacks have a high chance of killing you. Also, stay away from TzTok-Jad to avoid it from doing melee attacks.

At 50% HP, four Yt-HurKot will spawn to heal Jad — attack these enemies once to get their aggro to stop them from healing, then go back to attacking Jad. 

Remain calm — as panicking can lead to fatal mistakes. With careful preparation, knowledge, and calm execution, you can succeed in the TzHaar Fight Cave and obtain the Fire Cape.




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