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FARCHEST - RSPS - 317 Semi Custom.


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FARCHEST  (317 / Semi custom) 

Hello community, we would like to welcome you to come and try out this fresh server! 
Currently with 10+ always active.

We offer the following content on FarChest
- Easy                 - HC IronMan
- Regular           - ULT IronMan
- Hard                 - Gridlock
- Extreme          - Normal Mode
- IronMan          - Coming soon (Group IronMan)

A very friendly Skiller based approach that allows people who love to grind out skilling.
with many different Costumes to unlock or (Grind for)

every skill has a max cap of 200Million EXP which gives you a Master cape (for skill containing 200million EXP)



There are over 40 different PVP/PVE modes! 
They shall not be pinned so you could visit to check it out yourself! http://farchest.com/

Custom Donator zones, that included different packages and Charts Below ⬇️ 

Download Farchest http://farchest.com/ Today! and join our discord https://discord.gg/dE2kmbyf

We look forward to welcoming you to our community, Stay awesome! 🖤







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