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EverythingRS Hiscore Tutorial


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EverythingRS - Free Hiscores Installation

EverythingRS is a free API system. Here's a quick tutorial on how to get started with voting.

ONk5sJY.png Support Discord

If you need more help or for some reason cannot understand the tutorial. You can post a comment on this thread or reach us at our support Discord.


Getting started

  • First off download our everythingrs-api.jar from here and include it into your project. and include it into your project.

Registration and secret key

Your Hiscores subdomain!


Making the Hiscores work with your server

This part of the tutorial is for PI, but can easily be changed to work with any server. If you want me to add a snippet on the thread so it can work with your framework leave a comment with the server base you want the snippet for. 

In Client.java under

public void destruct() {

Add this

boolean debugMessage = false;
com.everythingrs.hiscores.Hiscores.update("secret_key",  "Normal Mode", this.playerName, this.playerRights, this.playerXP, debugMessage);

Be sure to change "secret_key" to the secret key on your ERS account.


You now have a working Hiscores on your server! If you have any suggestions or need help please leave a comment. 

Lets take a look at your new Hiscores



Hiscores Dashboard

You can remove members and add new modes from your Hiscores Dashboard 


Edited by EverythingRS
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