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Rank explanation


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I'll describe in short what the RuneList ranks mean.


Staff Ranks

Manager : The manager runs, manages and owns the community. Also does the marketing for RuneList

Senior Moderator : Moderatores all parts of the community also has additional control over moderators.

Junior Moderator : Moderates all forum sections and has additional control over the toplist and marketplace.

Trial Moderator : Moderates all the forum sections and has additional control over support.


Special Ranks

VIP : A special rank for users that deserved it, can only be rewarded to some of the "best" members of the community.

Partner : A rank for users who agreed to be a partner of RuneList (Eg. designer, gold-selling site, streamer etc)

MOTM : A special rank for the Member Of The Month, achieved at the end of every month.

SOTM : A special rank for the Server Of The Month, achieved at the end of every month.

Artist : A special rank for someone that has collaborated with RuneList, won a competition, or is an outstanding and active graphical artist. 

Developer : A special rank for people that have shown great knowledge of several development languages over a longer period of time.

Community Guru : A special rank for people that constantly assist and help the community (eg. coding, arts, editing).

Respected Member : A special rank for a member of the community with over 1,000 reputation.

Streamer : A special rank for someone that constantly shares his streams alongside promoting RuneList on their channel (Eg. intro, outro, shoutout, etc)

Youtuber : A special rank for someone that constantly shares his videos alongside promoting RuneList on their channel (Eg. intro, outro, shoutout, etc)


Membership Ranks

MemberPRO : First membership rank for people who bought a €14.99 membership, that lasts 10 years.

MemberPRO+ : Upgraded version of the regular PRO membership. Available for those who pay €19.99/2 months.

Best Regards,

RuneList Manager

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  • 4 months later...

The following ranks have been added to RuneList:

  • Artist
  • Developer
  • Community Guru
  • Respected Member
  • Streamer
  • Youtuber
  • Positive 1

Best Regards,

RuneList Manager

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