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RuneGuild - Semi Custom OSPS

  • Custom Raids "Vault of Daemonheim"
  • Full Runelite client
  • Void World Boss
  • Edge World Bosses
  • Wildy World Bosses
  • Extended Wilderness
  • Custom Bosses
  • Automated Flower Poker
  • Sigils
  • Nex
  • Upgrade Machine
  • Full TOB
  • Full COX
  • Vote Boss
  • 117 HD Settings
  • Nightmare Of Ashihama
  • Wilderness World Bosses
  • Runelite
  • Alchemical Hydra
  • Instance Manager
  • Galvek
  • Shooting Star
  • Collection Log + Rewards
  • Vorkath
  • Wilderness Events
  • Achievement Log
  • Inferno
  • Black Market Merchant
  • Custom Hiscores
  • Automated Tournaments
  • Full Raids 1 & 2
  • AFK Zone
  • Last Man Standing
  • Wintertotl
  • Group Ironman w/ Shared Bank
  • Ultimate Ironman w/ Storage
  • Normal, Extreme & Hardcore XP Modes