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Was at work and got bored (as usual) so I decided to try a new design
Everything with this design is original except the giant green stone shape. 

I hope you like i'm open to hearing your feedback of course. Thanks



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I personally think it turned out really well. As I already mentioned, the gem feels a bit odd as the A and K hover over it. I think it could sell very well if you made some headers to it and sold it all as a package. Well done!

Best Regards,

RuneList Sr. Moderator

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6 hours ago, SilverNova said:

I personally think it turned out really well. As I already mentioned, the gem feels a bit odd as the A and K hover over it. I think it could sell very well if you made some headers to it and sold it all as a package. Well done!

Thank you Nova <3 I rather enjoyed this piece and I agree with you that wasn’t something I initially realized. 


24 minutes ago, Sadie said:

If this is the kind of stuff you design then surely market it!
Looks good!

Sure will! This one will be going on market as well given that I haven’t sold it to another. 

thanks guys. 

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